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In the Kitchen

  • Sustainability? Here's Where To Start...

    By trying practical and creative ways to be more sustainable, you can help to protect the environment and make a positive impact on the world. It's easier than you think!
  • What's in Season- April

    The vegetables that are in season in April will vary depending on your location and climate. Overall, you can think of a lot of delicate vegetables that start off the harvest season. Here's what you can expect to see in April...
  • Let's Talk... BEANS!

    Beans! I grew up eating beans, so I love them.  But I love them stewed well! I've tried all sorts of recipes, including the traditional way my gran...
  • How to Fix Watery Slow Cooker Meals

    When talking about slow cookers, one thing I often hear is being dissatisfied with the consistency of slow cooker meals.  I understand it completely but have learned a few tips and tricks to get my desired consistency. 
  • Romantic Meal Ideas for a Stay at Home Valentine's Day

    Try our romantic dinner ideas to make your evening special and create lasting memories with your partner.  An intimate, quiet at home dinner can be transformed into a special moment.
  • Eating Healthy On A Budget

    Yes, you can eat healthy while on a budget- it takes some planning and creativity. Here's how to get started...
  • How to Make Cooking Easier

    Want to make cooking easier? Our spice blends and mojo sauce make cooking easier because they are a shortcut to flavor. But here are a bunch of other tips!
  • New Year’s Food Resolutions + Healthy Eating Tips

    It might be cliche to do New Year's Resolutions, but I think it's still a good time to assess where you are in your life and set your intention for the year ahead. Here are some tips to kick start your healthy lifestyle!
  • All About Sheet Pans

    Sheet Pans are a Kitchen MUST.. and perfect for quick, easy meals! Learn why they are an essential tool for your cocina, with my recommendations and how to clean them.
  • Navidad Boricua: Pasteles

    Pasteles are an iconic part of Christmas, and especially for Nochebuena dinner.  It’s a labor of love and definitely a family effort to make them.  Their unique flavor and texture make all the effort to make them worth it.
  • Mirepoix, what's it all about?

    Carrots, Celery, and Onion. Three ingredients that form the basis of countless recipes.  Did you know that this trio has a name and is actually a cooking technique? 
  • How to Make Compound Butter

    Everything tastes better with butter, right? But when you add flavors to the butter, it’s even more special… so make a compound butter! Here's how...