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All About Sheet Pans

When I want to make a quick meal, I turn to a one-pot or pan meal.  This also includes sheet pans! I can line the sheet with non stick aluminum foil to build a meal on one sheet pan (protein + vegetables), and have easy clean up. I can quickly prepare the ingredients, then pop it into the oven and anywhere from 20-40 minutes, I've got dinner!  No stirring or standing over the stove needed.  I can also do something else while my meal is cooking.. very helpful for my to do list!

So what are sheet pans?

Sheet pans, also known as baking sheets, are flat, rectangular metal pans that are used for baking and roasting in the oven. They are typically made of aluminum or stainless steel, and they have low sides to allow air to circulate around the food as it cooks. Sheet pans are versatile and can be used for a wide variety of dishes, including cookies, roasted vegetables, and even meats like chicken or fish.

There are several benefits to using sheet pans, including:

  1. Even heat distribution: Sheet pans provide even heat distribution, which helps to ensure that your food cooks evenly. This is especially important for dishes like cookies, where you want each cookie to be the same size and shape.
  2. Versatility: Sheet pans are versatile and can be used for a wide variety of dishes, including cookies, roasted vegetables, and even meats like chicken or fish.
  3. Easy to clean: Sheet pans are easy to clean and durable, so they can be used over and over again.
  4. Low sides: Because they have low sides, sheet pans allow the heat to circulate around the food, which helps to create a crispy, golden crust on roasts and other dishes.
  5. Cost-effective: Sheet pans are an affordable kitchen tool, and they can be used for many different dishes, making them a cost-effective option.

Here are some of my favorites- you'll want what's called a Half Sheet, as that is what will fit in most home ovens.

Basic set: 

Sheet Pan with a Baking Rack:

How to Clean a Sheet Pan:

Don't use anything that will scratch the surface- you can use steel wool if you get some stubborn food stuck on it, but be gentle. Using baking soda and lemon is a good alternative. Specialty cleaners like Bar Keeper's Friend or Stainless Steel cleaner will also work well.

If you take care of your sheet pans, they will last a lifetime!

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