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Let's go back to basics!

Cooking basics are the fundamental skills and techniques that are used in the kitchen. 

Here are a few examples of basic cooking techniques:

  1. Chopping: Chopping is the process of cutting food into small pieces. This is an essential skill that is used in many recipes, and it is important to use a sharp knife and a steady hand to make precise cuts.
  2. Sautéing: Sautéing is a cooking technique that involves cooking food quickly in a small amount of fat, such as oil or butter. Sautéing is commonly used to cook vegetables, meat, and fish, and it is a good way to add flavor and texture to dishes.
  3. Roasting: Roasting is a cooking method that involves cooking food in the oven at a high temperature. Roasting is often used for meats and vegetables, and it can help to caramelize the food and bring out its natural flavors.
  4. Boiling: Boiling is a cooking method that involves cooking food in boiling water. Boiling is often used for pasta, potatoes, and other foods that need to be cooked quickly and evenly. It is important to use a large pot and enough water to prevent the food from sticking.
  5. Baking: Baking is a cooking method that involves cooking food in the oven using dry heat. Baking is often used for cakes, cookies, and other desserts, and it is important to follow the recipe carefully to ensure that the food is cooked properly.

These are just a few examples of cooking basics. There are many other techniques and skills that are used in the kitchen, and learning these basics can help you to become a more confident and competent cook. Here are a few key skills  that are important to master:

  1. Knife skills: Knowing how to use a knife properly is an essential skill in the kitchen. This involves using a sharp knife and a steady hand to make precise cuts, such as dicing, slicing, and mincing.
  2. Measuring ingredients: Accurately measuring ingredients is crucial for successful cooking. This involves using measuring cups and spoons for dry ingredients, and a kitchen scale for wet or bulky ingredients.
  3. Understanding heat levels: Knowing how to control the heat when cooking is essential for achieving the desired results. This involves understanding the different heat levels, such as low, medium, and high, and how to adjust the heat to suit the recipe and the ingredients.
  4. Knowing how to cook different foods: Each type of food has its own unique properties and characteristics, and it is important to understand how to cook each food properly to achieve the desired results. This involves knowing the appropriate cooking methods, such as roasting, boiling, or sautéing, and the appropriate cooking times and temperatures for different foods.
  5. Following recipes: Following recipes is an important skill in the kitchen, as it allows you to replicate dishes accurately and consistently. This involves understanding the instructions and ingredients in the recipe, and following them in the correct order to achieve the desired results.

These are just a few of the essential things to know in cooking. There are many other skills and techniques that are important to master, and learning these basics can help you to become a more confident and competent cook.

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