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All About Batch Cooking


Spending an afternoon in the kitchen might seem like an investment, but we have a few tips and tricks to make the process easy and even enjoyable.

One of the simplest ways to approach batch cooking is to make one base recipe which can be adapted into different dishes. There’s no need to eat the same thing all week – you can freeze in portions and enjoy them later.

It’s really easy if you batch cook chicken breasts- they can be shredded, sliced, or diced, for all kinds of meals for a few days.  Keep the seasoning neutral- we recommend either our Adobo or Veggie Spice Blend.  Dice it to make chicken salad, slice to add to salads or wraps, and once shredded add teriyaki or bbq sauces.

One thing that is super great for batch cooking is a meat pasta sauce.  Take the time to cook 2-3 pounds at a time, so that you can portion and use for other meals.It freezes well and helps you make lasagna a quick meal, and who doesn’t want more lasagna!

Batch cooking vegetables allows you to have veggies ready to go, which should encourage you to eat more.  If you’re worried about mushy vegetables, just give them a quick steam or blanch.  I find that as long as vegetables are cleaned and chopped, I’m more likely to fit them into meals and snacks. You can’t go wrong with just adding mojo, and if you want to change up the spice, add a spice blend when you reheat them.

For some veggies, all you need to do is batch prep… wash and chop up your veggies so they’re ready for a few days of lunchtime salads or snacks.  Just keep in an airtight container with a paper towel to absorb any moisture. 

I use batch cooking for breakfast, as I usually am already too hungry by the time I think of breakfast.  I want something quick, so if I make oatmeal once, I might as well make a larger batch of it and have it ready to reheat for a few days.  I also like baked oatmeal, which is perfect for batch cooking.  I switch it up, so one week will have apple cinnamon, another, pear cardamom, or maybe carrot cake if I’m feeling fancy. But  it’s all pretty simple..  dumping a few ingredients in a baking dish and I’ve got oatmeal for breakfast all week. (Interested in my oatmeal recipes? Let me know in the comments!)

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