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We've Got Some Catching Up To Do

It's been almost 15 months since I sold my first bottle of Mama Milly’s mojo garlic sauce. For the past six or so months I may have seemed a bit quiet on social media and through emails, but a lot was going on behind the scenes. Up until recently, I was a one-woman show.. that means I've had to do it all myself. Coming up with a concept and researching product ideas, recipe testing and development, designing digital and print materials, sourcing packaging, physically making the products, shipping out orders, posting to social media, writing blogs, writing recipes, writing newsletters, designing my website, customer service... and I'm sure I'm missing a few things.

Shortly after launching five new spices I felt burnt out. So I took some time over the summer to rest, recharge, and plan for my holiday season… But, Mother Nature had other plans. On September 1st, Hurricane Ida hit New Jersey and unfortunately our home experienced serious flooding. I almost lost everything for Mama Milly’s and I lost a significant amount of my personal items as well. I had to build back everything from scratch. We encountered a lot of delays in fixing our home, getting new appliances, getting services, etc., so for the past six months my home has not functioned in a normal working capacity. I had a temporary bedroom, bathroom, and office space for over three months. Our kitchen was pretty much out of commission from before Thanksgiving 2021 to the beginning of March 2022. I never wanted to give up on Mama Milly’s because this business means so much to me… I hope it will be my family legacy. 

Throughout all the challenges, I managed to get into holiday gear by making small batches of products and even launching a limited edition holiday item, Coquito (which I sold out of!!). I attended my first event, a Holiday Bazaar at a local elementary school and our mojo was such a hit! This success reinvigorated me and confirmed what I always knew- my mojo is magical, my brand is solid, and my creativity and passion for food are my strengths. I’m more determined than ever to make Mama Milly’s a success. Whether you’re new or have been with me from the beginning, I want to thank you. Your support means I can continue to follow my dreams: working for myself on my terms, using my knowledge, ability, and talent to build something for myself and my family.

2022 is going to be a year for Mama Milly’s growth. I’ve got a lot planned to bring to you… including new products, new events and pop ups, collaborations, recipes, tips, tricks, and ways to incorporate the Mama Milly’s lifestyle: Great food with great company.

Thank you for having patience during this testing time, I cannot wait for you to see what I have in store and I also can’t wait to see what you create at home using Mama Milly’s products. It was great catching up, make sure to keep a lookout! 



  • This road has not been easy but you have persevered. Im so excited for you to continue this journey. Your MOJO is AMAZING! I do not cook without it. I wish you continued success.

  • I’m not a good cook so I use it for almost every food n comes out great. I LOVE IT.

    Gladys Schnitzler
  • I’m so sorry to hear about the flooding! I had a very close family member deal with an 80% loss of her home because of Ida. She’s also still working to rebuild. Glad you’re back and wish you all the best!


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